Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Waiting for the bus...

When we are up early enough, the kids like to watch the high school kids get on the bus in the morning in front of our house...Sam is waiting for Uncle Joey to send him a Huskie shirt. Til then, he'll be sporting the Trojans...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Early Fall Fun

Some shots of the kids yesterday. Shea helped me take some brush to Daddy's fire pit, we enjoyed the beautiful weather, and Emile came over for a few hours!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bathroom Pics

Here are some before and after shots of the bathroom....I promised Ash that I would include a pic of my growing belly but Shea proved not to be a capable photographer. I'll take one at some point. Promise!

where the toilet and sink was, is now the laundry area

On the near side of what was a full wall, was a double vanity and tub across. Now it is a half wall and serves as a bathroom. Sink, toilet, and across is a shower. The shower still needs to be tiled so I didn't take a pic of that.

view from the entrance

Sam Walks!!

Sam officially started walking over the weekend! He is so cute. Shea gets a big kick out of it. The first video I took of him walking Shea ruined. She decided to strip down and run around in front of the camera yelling "mama, look at my bum". So Sam and I got up before her this morning and got another one...